Einträge von Dr. Marcus Dittmann

WhatsApp English Language Terms and Conditions do not bind German consumers – Terms and Conditions must be in German Language, Berlin Court of Appeals rules

The Berlin Court of Appeals has ruled that WhatsApp’s Terms and Conditions do not bind German consumers, as long as they are available only in English and as long as there is no German version or translation (Kammergericht, Urteil vom 08.04.2016, Az. 5 U 156/14, link to the full decision on the Verbraucherzentrale website).

Steam User Accounts not transferable, confirms Berlin Court of Appeals

Valve Corporation, the operator of the popular Steam online games platform, successfully withstood some pressure in Germany. Starting in 2013, the Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband, an important German consumer protection organization, filed a law suit against Valve for alleged violation of consumer rights. The subject matter of the complaint was a clause in the terms and conditions […]

The German Federal Court of Justice on online newspaper archives and personal rights of publicity (BGH, Urteil vom 30. Oktober 2012 – VI ZR 4/12)

A couple of days ago the German Federal Court of Justice has handed down an interesting decision regarding the question whether an individual may demand that his name be deleted from press articles in publicly available online newspaper archives, if the matter reported is long in the past and no longer currently relevant (Bundesgerichtshof, Urteil […]

German trademark law: Black-and-white trademarks may not automatically offer protection against colored copies, German Federal Court of Justice rules

The German Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof, BGH) has handed down a decision which shines a light on a curious aspect of trademark law. In the case which was decided on 12 March 2015, German automaker BMW had sued a company which had produced and sold replica badges with the famous BMW sign, namely the […]

BGH: Fortbestehen von Unterlizenzen trotz Wegfall der Hauptlizenz (Urteile vom 19.07.2012, M2Trade, Take Five)

Der Bundesgerichtshof hat Ende Juli 2012 zwei Urteile gefällt, mit denen die Rechtssicherheit bei Lizenzketten deutlich erhöht wird. In den beiden Entscheidungen, die am selben Tag fielen, ging es um die Frage, was mit Unterlizenzen passiert, die ein Lizenznehmer an weitere Unternehmen vergeben hat, wenn die Hauptlizenz später wegfällt.

Open Source Compliance

Bei der Entwicklung von Software und softwarebasierten Produkten aller Art wird oftmals auf Open-Source-Software zurückgegriffen. Das können Tools sein ebenso wie eingesetzte Bibliotheken, das kann ein Entwicklungstool sein ebenso wie die Firmware in einem Endgerät, Grafikengine oder Objekte in einem Computerspiel, Online-Game usw.