In this section you can find out about our activities
and our range of services broken down by specific
When thinking of the city of Berlin, where we are located, it is hard not to also think about start ups. Our office is located right in the middle of a vibrant start up scene. Many of our clients and, indeed, immediate neighbours have already successfully completed the start up phase and second round financing and managed to either achieve a profitable exit or arrive at a long-term entrepreneurial pespective.
Working with start ups gives us particular pleasure. Young and innovative business models may often pose an even bigger legal challenge than setting up complex deals regarding financing, projects, or providing security for established businesses. This makes up the special appeal of this field. It is one of our strengths to find a place for new business models and technologies in the existing framework of the laws, to come up with solutions and thus anticipate, and eventually eliminate, risks to the growth of a business. Frequently our lawyers, who are specialized in the industry, can also help to improve upon the original business ideas and to bring them into a legally secure and sustainable form.
We know about start ups and investors. Some of our lawyers have worked as entrepeneurs themselves or are active as business angels holding shares in several start ups.
Over the years, we as lawyers and our notary office have accompanied and led our clients through almost all kinds of investment situations and scenarios. We provide legal advice to business founders, entrepreneurs, investors, business angels, public authorities and, last but not least, young companies.
Fabian Laucken
Claas Oehler