Dr. Kay Wagner
Certified Specialist for IP Law as well as for Competition Law
Kay Wagner studied law in Marburg and Potsdam, trained (postgraduate judicial service trainee) in Berlin and Cape Town, and was admitted to the German bar in 2000. He became a Doctor of Law in 2001. From 2002 to 2009 he was the head of the IP-desk at the Berlin office of a national law firm. In 2010 he started as a partner at Ihde & Partners.
Being a certified specialist in intellectual property law, Kay Wagner has broad experience in assisting companies in copyright matters, trademark law, competition and sales law and national and European competition law. His clients include media companies (in particular live entertainment firms), who he advises on the enforcement of intellectual property rights and on the legal aspects of production subletting (artist agreements, touring contracts, distribution agreements). In addition, he advises clients on personal privacy law, press law and media law. He is a board member of a non-profit association.
E-Mail: kay.wagner[at]ihde.de
Associations: German Bar Association (DAV) e.V., German – Brazilian Association (Executive Board), Association of Intellectual Property & Media in the DAV
English, Portuguese

Zapfsäule - Das Magazin des Tankstellengewerbes Bayern
Jahrgang 2016, S.8-9 Anmerkung zu einer Entscheidung des OLG Schleswig, Urt. v. 03.12.2015 - Zur Erstattung von Kassenpachten (Dr. Kay Wagner)